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Pipeline Orbital

Pipeline Orbital

JOIN! The Full Welding Solution for pipeline orbital welding.

High-Quality and Productivity Pipeline Orbital Welding with Flux-cored Wires

Nowadays, high-quality pipeline girth welds with outstanding material properties in combination with time and material savings and low repairing rate are key success factors for pipeline contractors. We meet all these demands with our pipeRunner® orbital system. It is the perfect combination for pipeline orbital welding.

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TERRA 400 PRM Pipeline Version

The TERRA 400 PRM pipeline version is a robust and reliable three-phase new generation multi-process inverter power source. In order to suit the needs for orbital pipeline welding and to perform root and hot pass by manual or semi-automatic welding, the TERRA 400 PRM is equipped with a special display to manage all of the welding processes, the special remote control RC 100 MP is specifically designed for pipeline jobsites.


pipeRunner® is a state-of-art programmable mechanized MIG/MAG orbital system designed for pipeline and process piping girth welds.

Personal Protection & Accessories

One of the most important aspects in the welding process is the protection of the welder. Which is why voestalpine Böhler Welding created the new personal protection and accessories line.

The products reflect our high-quality demands and give welders the protection and the tools they need. Helmets such as theGuardian 62 Complete and Guardian 62F Air Complete, gloves, glasses and clothes are ideal for the pipeline jobsite. Additionally, we provide a full range of electrode holders and ground clamps.

diamondspark FCAW Portfolio for Pipeline Welding

Our diamondspark seamless flux cored wires are the perfect combination with our welding equipment TERRA 400 PRM and pipeRunner® for orbital pipeline welding. Our seamless design allows a low content of diffusible hydrogen, no moisture pick up in storage and handling, consequently a low risk of hydrogen delayed cracking and wormholes. Our diamondspark X RC Pipe product range is copper coated with excellent current transfer and less contact tip wear. Our flux cored wires are known for great feedability with increased arc time and no wire break.

The special recipe optimized for pipeline welding also guarantees thick slag to support the welding pool in uphill progression and easy slag detachability. Pipeline dedicated formulas further improve the weld metal mechanical properties, maintaining high toughness also when applying high productivity welding procedures. diamondspark X RC Pipe is also suitable for sour service and is NACE compliant up to the X70 grade (in this latter case with diamondspark X70 RC-Pipe (N))

weldTECH Application Services

For voestalpine Böhler Welding, being a Full Welding Solutions provider means acting as a partner for pipeline contractors through the weldTECH Application Services, which include a team of welding engineers experienced in pipeline construction.

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