Excellent corrosion protection, non-staining to aluminium and aluminium alloys, preventing oxidation and staining on workpieces and equipment.
Unique lubrication technology provides exceptional machining performance and extends tool life.
Exceptional thermal stability, long coolant life, and exceptional machine cleanliness, means lower process costs, machine downtime, and excellent parts visibility whilst machining.
Low foaming characteristics in soft water conditions, eliminates the use of antifoams, and reduces system maintenance costs.
Excellent resistance to bacteria, fungal contamination and moulds, means no bad odours, safe working environment, and excellent machine cleanliness.
Low pH means safe to machine operators, mild to the skin.
Callington SYN 85MM is a synthetic, water-based metalworking coolant designed for medium to heavy duty machining and grinding of ferrous and non- ferrous materials. Free from mineral oil, chlorinated additives, biocides, secondary amines and nitrites, Callington SYN 85MM offers an environmentally friendly, safe to use solution, for multi- metal machine shops. Free from silicone derived antifoams ensures that Callington SYN 85MM is easily washed from machined parts and is totally compatible with processes where subsequent coatings are applied.
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